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aAaB aCaD aEaF aGaH aIaJ aKaL aMaN aOaP aQaR aSaT aUaV aWaX aYaZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
W WIDMA +arrows 7, 42
W WILLS +arrows 25
W WILLS sport +arrows 28
W WINTECH +arrows 9
W WINTOP +arrows 7
W WOOD WINGS +arrows 20
W WOODROCK +arrows 5
WACO +globe & arrows 16, 39
WAGO +arrows 9
WAH G +square hand & arrows 24
WAH WAH +arrows & lines 9
WALK-IN +ovals arrows squar 5
WANTON +arrows 7
WARM RUB +man & arrows 5
WASHO WIT +arrows & stripes 3
arrows 40
WATER GOLD +square & arrows 7
WAVE TEL +arrows 35, 42
WAVES +stripes & arrows 3
WAX MUMMY +arrows 41, 42
WAYFINDER +arrows 9, 38, 42
WC WINCREST +arrows & arc 9
WCM +arrows ribbon & square 35
arrows 36
WE LINK SYSTEMS +arrows 16
WEATHER SECURE +arrows 17, 19, 37
WEATHER SHIELD +arrows 17, 19
WEB FONE +oval & arrows 9
WEBFONE +arrows 16
WEIMAR +square & arrows 6, 19
WELD TRONIC +arrows 7
WELLMAX +arrows 5
WELLTEXX +triangle & arrows 18
WEP +tree triangle & arrows 9
WEST 2 india +arrows 35
WEST WOOD +arrows 25
WESTERN +arrows 7
WETELL +globe & arrows 36
WHITE CHERRY +arrows 9
WHITECITY +arrows 37
WHIZ BIZ +ovals arrows & ar 25
WHY PAY MORE? +arrows 41
WICKER jeans +arrows stripe 25
WILD ESCAPES +arrows 39
arrows 35
WILLS +arrows 25
arrows 34
arrows 34
WILLS SPORT +arrows 16, 18, 28
WILLS SPORT GOLF +arrows 18, 25, 28
WILLS couture +arrows 25
WILLS sport +arrows 25
WILSHIRE +arrows 5
WINDEC +arrows & ovals 6
WINDEC +globe & arrows 27
WINDS ERP +arrows & arcs 42
WINSOME +arrows & arcs 37
WINTEX +arrows 9
WIPRO DIGITAL +arrows 42
WISDOM CLINIC +arrows 16
WISDOM CLINIC W +arrows 44
WISE +arcs arrows & globe 9
WISH TEL +arcs arrows circl 9
WM +star arrows & circles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
WM +star & arrows 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45
WMU +star & arrows 36
WOCKHARDT +arrows 5, 9
WOCKHARDT LIFE WINS +arrows 5, 9, 31, 35, 45
WOCKHARDT hospitals +arrows 5
WOCKHARDT life wins +arrows 10
WOCKHARDT respimox +arrows 5
WOLF +arrows 4
WOLONG +arrows & squares 19
WOLTRA plain condom +arrows 10
WONDER WINGS +arrows 5
WOOD AVENUE +arrows 19
WOODS +arrows 6
WOOFER +arrows 25
WOOL BY SEFPRO +arrows 19, 40
WOTINEX +arrows 5
WRI +arrows 17
arrows 30
arrows 30
WSF +arrows & circle 6, 7
WSF +circle & arrows 9, 11, 17
WSF +oval & arrows 9
arrows 23
WV WALK 'N' WEAR +arrows 35
WV WAY TUNER +arrows square 35
WWW +circle & arrows 1
WYNDONN +oval & arrows 7
X +arrows 9, 16, 17, 18, 22, 25, 28, 30, 35
X +arrows & arcs 12
X +arrows & square 5, 35
X +arcs & arrows 16
X +ovals & arrows 5
X +square & arrows 35, 42
X +squares & arrows 5
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